"""Functions for the model classes."""
# --- external imports
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
from copy import deepcopy
[docs]def reciprocal_vectors(avec):
r"""Finds the reciprocal lattice vectors in 2D.
.. math::
b_{1x} & b_{2x} \\
b_{1y} & b_{2y}
\end{pmatrix} =
\frac{2\\\pi}{a_{1x}a_{2y} - a_{1y}a_{2x}}
a_{2y} & -a_{1y} \\
-a_{2x} & a_{1x}
avec: ndarray
The array of real-space lattice vectors.
bvec: ndarray
The array of reciprocal-space lattice vectors.
if len(avec) != 2:
raise ValueError("Reciprocal lattice vector function only works in 2D.")
a1 = avec[0]
a2 = avec[1]
rec_factor = (2*np.pi) / (a1[0] * a2[1] - a1[1] * a2[0])
b1 = rec_factor * np.array([a2[1], -a2[0]])
b2 = rec_factor * np.array([-a1[1], a1[0]])
bvec = np.vstack((b1, b2))
return bvec
[docs]def nearest_neighbor_finder(avec, abasisvec, t_list, x_init, y_init, basis_init):
"""Finds the relevant nearest neighbors for a given lattice.
avec: ndarray
The lattice vectors.
abasisvec: ndarray
The basis vectors.
t_list: list
The list of hopping amplitudes in order of ascending NN.
x_init: float
The initial x-coordinate.
y_init: float
The initial y-coordinate.
basis_init: int
The initial sublattice index.
data: ndarray
The array of relevant nearest neighbors.
bases: list
The list of unique sublattice indices.
# --- Create list of NN to consider from t_list
numb_list = []
for i, t in enumerate(t_list):
if t != 0:
# --- Create grid of basis vectors from [-numb_t_max, numb_t_max]
abasisvec = [abasisvec[i] - abasisvec[basis_init] for i in range(len(abasisvec))] # shift basis
vectors = []
vectors_unit = []
for i in range(-numb_list[-1], numb_list[-1]+1):
for j in range(-numb_list[-1], numb_list[-1]+1):
r_unit = np.array([i, j])
r = np.matmul(r_unit, avec)
for idx, k in enumerate(abasisvec):
vectors.append([r+k, i, j, basis_init, idx]) # add basis index
# --- Define data array with info on each vector
data = np.zeros((len(vectors), 13), dtype=object)
for i, val in enumerate(vectors):
data[i, 0] = round(np.linalg.norm(val[0]), 10) # r (round so that we can use it for comparison)
data[i, 1] = np.angle(val[0][0]+1j*val[0][1]) # phi
data[i, 2] = x_init # x_init
data[i, 3] = y_init # y_init
data[i, 4] = y_init / avec[1][1] # y_init / a2_y
data[i, 5] = val[0][0] # dx
data[i, 6] = val[0][1] # dy
data[i, 7] = val[0][1] / avec[1][1] # dy / a2_y
data[i, 8] = val[1] # dI
data[i, 9] = val[2] # dJ
data[i, 10] = val[3] # sub_init
data[i, 11] = val[4] # sub_final
# --- Extract the NN groups (filter data based on radius)
data = data[data[:, 0].argsort()] # sort by increasing r
# delete the first r=0 row
mask = (data[:, 0] != 0)
data = data[mask, :]
radii = np.sort(list(set(data[:, 0])))
# label the NN group
for i, row in enumerate(data):
for j, r in enumerate(radii):
if row[0] == r:
data[i, 12] = j+1 # NN group
select_radii = [radii[i - 1] for i in numb_list]
# delete rows with other radii
rows_to_delete = []
for i, row in enumerate(data):
if row[0] not in select_radii:
data = np.delete(data, rows_to_delete, axis=0)
# --- Extract bases set
bases = []
for i, val in enumerate(data):
bases = np.sort(list(set(bases)))
return data, bases
[docs]def nearest_neighbor_sorter(data_array):
"""Sorts the relevant nearest neighbors array.
data_array: ndarray
The array of relevant nearest neighbors.
grouped_paths: ndarray
The array of relevant nearest neighbors grouped by dJ.
# count the number of dJ
dJ_list = []
for i, val in enumerate(data_array):
dJ_list = np.sort(list(set(dJ_list)))
numb_dJ = len(dJ_list)
# group paths by dJ
grouped_paths = np.zeros(numb_dJ, dtype=object)
for i in range(numb_dJ):
grouped_paths[i] = []
for i, dJval in enumerate(dJ_list):
for j, val in enumerate(data_array):
if val[9] == dJval:
return grouped_paths
[docs]def peierls_factor(nphi, dx, y_cart, dy_cart, A_UC):
r"""The Peierls factor.
The Peierls factor in Landau gauge :math:`\\\mathbf{A}=-By\hat{\\\mathbf{e}}_x` is given by
.. math::
e^{\\\mathrm{i}\theta_{ij}} = \exp\left[ -\frac{2\pi\\\mathrm{i}n_\phi}{A} \Delta X \left( Y_i + \frac{\Delta Y}{2} \right) \right],
where :math:`\theta_{ij}` is the Peierls phase from site :math:`i=(X_i, Y_i)`. to :math:`j=(X_j, Y_j)`, :math:`\Delta X = X_j - X_i`, :math:`\Delta Y = Y_j - Y_i`, :math:`n_\phi` is the flux density, and :math:`A` is the area factor to make the expression dimensionless. :cite:`Peierls33`
nphi: float
The flux density.
dx: float
The change in x-coordinates.
y_cart: int
The initial y-coordinate in units of a2[1].
dy_cart: int
The change in y-coordinates in units of a2[1].
A_UC: float
The unit cell area in units of a2 (possibly scaled by a periodicity factor).
factor: complex
The Peierls factor.
phase = - 2 * np.pi * nphi * dx * (y_cart + dy_cart/2) / A_UC
factor = np.exp(1j * phase)
return factor
[docs]def diag_func(t_val, p_val, q_val, A_UC_val, vec_group, k_val, dJ_val, J_idx_val):
r"""The diagonal function.
The function that populates the diagonals of the Harper matrix is given by
.. math::
\Lambda_{l, n} = - \sum_\kappa \sum_{\langle ij \rangle_{\kappa}^l} t_\kappa e^{\\\mathrm{i}\theta_{ij}} e^{\\\mathrm{i}\\\mathbf{k}\cdot\\\mathbf{r}},
where :math:`\langle \dots \rangle^l_\kappa` denotes the subset of :math:`\kappa`-th nearest neighbors with a net :math:`y` unit cell displacement of :math:`l`, :math:`\theta_{ij}` is the Peierls phase, :math:`\\\mathbf{k}` is the momentum vector, and :math:`\\\mathbf{r}` is the displacement vector.
t_val: list
The list of hopping amplitudes in order of ascending NN.
p_val: int
The numerator of the flux density.
q_val: int
The denominator of the flux density.
A_UC_val: float
The unit cell area in units of a2 (possibly scaled by a periodicity factor).
vec_group: ndarray
The array of relevant nearest neighbors grouped by dJ.
k_val: ndarray
The momentum vector.
dJ_val: int
The y-displacement in terms of unit cells.
J_idx_val: int
The y-position in terms of unit cells.
term: complex
The diagonal term.
nphi = p_val/q_val
term = 0
for idx, val in enumerate(vec_group):
if val[-1] == dJ_val: # extract rows with appropriate dJ
for k, val2 in enumerate(val[:-1]): # for each vector in path group
NN_group = int(val2[12])
term += - t_val[NN_group - 1] * (peierls_factor(nphi, val2[5], J_idx_val + val2[4], val2[7], A_UC_val)
* np.exp(1j * np.vdot(np.array([val2[5], val2[6]]), k_val)))
return term
[docs]def Hamiltonian(t, p, q, A_UC, vec_group_matrix, k):
r"""The generalized Hofstadter Hamiltonian.
The generalized Hofstadter Hamiltonian is given by the :math:`N_b\times N_b` block matrix
.. math::
H = \begin{pmatrix}
H^{00} & H^{01} & \dots \\
H^{10} & H^{11} & \dots \\
\vdots & \vdots & \ddots
where :math:`N_b` is the number of sites in the basis. Each submatrix :math:`H^{\alpha\beta}` has dimensions :math:`q\times q` and represents the Harper equation for hoppings from the :math:`\alpha` to the :math:`\beta` sublatttice, such that
.. math::
H = \begin{pmatrix}
\Lambda_{0,0} & \Lambda_{0,1} & \dots \\
\Lambda_{1,0} & \Lambda_{1,1} & \dots \\
\vdots & \vdots & \ddots
\end{pmatrix} +
\ddots & \Lambda_{0, q-1}^* & \Lambda_{0, q}^* \\
\Lambda_{q-1, 0} & \ddots & \Lambda_{1, q}^* \\
\Lambda_{q, 0} & \Lambda_{q, 1} & \ddots
where :math:`\Lambda_{l, n}` is the diagonal function, and we have dropped the sublattice superscripts for readability. Note that we only populate the first matrix with unique hoppings in the positive J direction. If there are inter-unit-cell hoppings that are related by Hermitian conjugation in the same Harper equation, then the lower triangular matrix will simply be the conjugate of the upper triangular matrix. The second matrix represents rolled over boundary terms.
t: list
The list of hopping amplitudes in order of ascending NN.
p: int
The numerator of the flux density.
q: int
The denominator of the flux density.
A_UC: float
The unit cell area in units of a2 (possibly scaled by a periodicity factor).
vec_group_matrix: ndarray
The matrix of grouped nearest neighbor arrays.
k: ndarray
The momentum vector.
Hamiltonian: ndarray
The Hofstadter Hamiltonian matrix of dimension :math:`N_b q \times N_b q`.
I = np.shape(vec_group_matrix)[0]
J = np.shape(vec_group_matrix)[1]
Ham_matrix = []
for i in range(I):
Ham_row = []
for j in range(J):
Hamiltonian = np.zeros((q, q), dtype=np.complex128)
dJ_list = []
for term in vec_group_matrix[i, j]:
HC_flag = False
for k1, val in enumerate(dJ_list): # remove negative unit cell hoppings (for H.c. cases)
for k2, val2 in enumerate(dJ_list):
if val == -val2 and val != 0:
HC_flag = True
if val2 < 0:
del dJ_list[k2]
del dJ_list[k1]
for dJ in dJ_list:
# upper_diag_array
diag_array = np.array([diag_func(t, p, q, A_UC, vec_group_matrix[i, j], k, dJ, J_idx) for J_idx in range(q)])
Hamiltonian += np.roll(np.diag(diag_array), abs(dJ), axis=int((np.sign(dJ)+1)/2))
# lower_diag_array
if HC_flag and dJ > 0:
Hamiltonian += np.roll(np.diag(np.conj(diag_array)), abs(dJ), axis=0)
Hamiltonian = np.block(Ham_matrix)
return Hamiltonian
[docs]def BasicSquareHamiltonian(t, p, q, k, period):
r"""The basic square lattice Hofstadter Hamiltonian.
The Hofstadter Hamiltonian for the square lattice with nearest-neighbor hopping.
.. note::
We have hardcoded this Hamiltonian because it is commonly used and this function is faster than calling the generic Hamiltonian method.
t: list
The list of hopping amplitudes in order of ascending NN.
p: int
The numerator of the flux density.
q: int
The denominator of the flux density.
k: ndarray
The momentum vector.
period: int
The factor by which to divide A_UC in the flux density.
Hamiltonian: ndarray
The Hofstadter Hamiltonian matrix of dimension :math:`q \times q`.
Hamiltonian = np.zeros((q, q), dtype=np.complex128)
nphi = p / q
def A(t_val, nphi_val, m_val, k_val):
value = -t_val*np.exp(-1j*2*np.pi*period*nphi_val*m_val + 1j*k_val[0])
return value
def B_plus(t_val, k_val):
value = -t_val*np.exp(1j*k_val[1])
return value
diag_array = np.array([A(t[0], nphi, m, k) for m in range(q)])
Hamiltonian += np.roll(np.diag(diag_array), 0, axis=1)
upper_diag_array = np.array([B_plus(t[0], k) for _ in range(q)])
Hamiltonian += np.roll(np.diag(upper_diag_array), 1, axis=1)
Hamiltonian = Hamiltonian + np.conj(Hamiltonian).T
return Hamiltonian
[docs]def BasicTriangularHamiltonian(t, p, q, k, period):
r"""The basic triangular lattice Hofstadter Hamiltonian.
The Hofstadter Hamiltonian for the triangular lattice with nearest-neighbor hopping.
.. note::
We have hardcoded this Hamiltonian because it is commonly used and this function is faster than calling the generic Hamiltonian method.
t: list
The list of hopping amplitudes in order of ascending NN.
p: int
The numerator of the flux density.
q: int
The denominator of the flux density.
k: ndarray
The momentum vector.
period: int
The factor by which to divide A_UC in the flux density.
Hamiltonian: ndarray
The Hofstadter Hamiltonian matrix of dimension :math:`q \times q`.
Hamiltonian = np.zeros((q, q), dtype=np.complex128)
nphi = p / q
def A(t_val, nphi_val, m_val, k_val):
value = -t_val*np.exp(-1j*2*np.pi*period*nphi_val*m_val + 1j*k_val[0])
return value
def B_plus(t_val, nphi_val, m_val, k_val):
value = (-t_val*np.exp(-1j*np.pi*period*nphi_val*(m_val + 1/2) + 1j*(0.5*k_val[0] + np.sqrt(3)*k_val[1]/2))
-t_val*np.exp(+1j*np.pi*period*nphi_val*(m_val + 1/2) + 1j*(-0.5*k_val[0] + np.sqrt(3)*k_val[1]/2)))
return value
diag_array = np.array([A(t[0], nphi, m, k) for m in range(q)])
Hamiltonian += np.roll(np.diag(diag_array), 0, axis=1)
upper_diag_array = np.array([B_plus(t[0], nphi, m, k) for m in range(q)])
Hamiltonian += np.roll(np.diag(upper_diag_array), 1, axis=1)
Hamiltonian = Hamiltonian + np.conj(Hamiltonian).T
return Hamiltonian
[docs]def BasicHoneycombHamiltonian(t, p, q, k, period):
r"""The basic honeycomb lattice Hofstadter Hamiltonian.
The Hofstadter Hamiltonian for the honeycomb lattice with nearest-neighbor hopping.
.. note::
We have hardcoded this Hamiltonian because it is commonly used and this function is faster than calling the generic Hamiltonian method.
t: list
The list of hopping amplitudes in order of ascending NN.
p: int
The numerator of the flux density.
q: int
The denominator of the flux density.
k: ndarray
The momentum vector.
period: int
The factor by which to divide A_UC in the flux density.
Hamiltonian: ndarray
The Hofstadter Hamiltonian matrix of dimension :math:`2q \times 2q`.
def AB_block_func(t_val, p_val, q_val, k_val):
ham = np.zeros((q_val, q_val), dtype=np.complex128)
nphi = p_val / q_val
def A(t_val, nphi_val, m_val, k_val):
value = (-t_val * np.exp(-1j*np.pi*period*nphi_val*(m_val + 1/6) + 1j*(+k_val[0]/2 + np.sqrt(3)*k_val[1]/6))
-t_val * np.exp(+1j*np.pi*period*nphi_val*(m_val + 1/6) + 1j*(-k_val[0]/2 + np.sqrt(3)*k_val[1]/6)))
return value
def B_minus(t_val, k_val):
value = -t_val * np.exp(-1j*2*np.sqrt(3)*k_val[1]/6)
return value
upper_diag_array = np.array([A(t_val, nphi, m, k_val) for m in range(q_val)])
ham += np.roll(np.diag(upper_diag_array), 0, axis=1)
upper_diag_array2 = np.array([B_minus(t_val, k_val) for _ in range(q_val)])
ham += np.roll(np.diag(upper_diag_array2), 1, axis=0)
return ham
def BA_block_func(t_val, p_val, q_val, k_val):
ham = np.zeros((q_val, q_val), dtype=np.complex128)
nphi = p_val / q_val
def A(t_val, nphi_val, m_val, k_val):
value = (-t_val * np.exp(-1j*np.pi*period*nphi_val*(m_val + 1/6) + 1j*(+k_val[0]/2 - np.sqrt(3)*k_val[1]/6))
-t_val * np.exp(+1j*np.pi*period*nphi_val*(m_val + 1/6) + 1j*(-k_val[0]/2 - np.sqrt(3)*k_val[1]/6)))
return value
def B_plus(t_val, k_val):
value = -t_val * np.exp(+1j*2*np.sqrt(3)*k_val[1]/6)
return value
upper_diag_array = np.array([A(t_val, nphi, m, k_val) for m in range(q_val)])
ham += np.roll(np.diag(upper_diag_array), 0, axis=1)
upper_diag_array2 = np.array([B_plus(t_val, k_val) for _ in range(q_val)])
ham += np.roll(np.diag(upper_diag_array2), 1, axis=1)
return ham
AA_block = np.zeros((q, q))
AB_block = AB_block_func(t[0], p, q, k)
BA_block = BA_block_func(t[0], p, q, k)
BB_block = np.zeros((q, q))
upper = np.concatenate((AA_block, AB_block), axis=1)
lower = np.concatenate((BA_block, BB_block), axis=1)
Hamiltonian = np.concatenate((upper, lower), axis=0)
return Hamiltonian
[docs]def BasicKagomeHamiltonian(t, p, q, k, period):
r"""The basic kagome lattice Hofstadter Hamiltonian.
The Hofstadter Hamiltonian for the kagome lattice with nearest-neighbor hopping.
.. note::
We have hardcoded this Hamiltonian because it is commonly used and this function is faster than calling the generic Hamiltonian method.
t: list
The list of hopping amplitudes in order of ascending NN.
p: int
The numerator of the flux density.
q: int
The denominator of the flux density.
k: ndarray
The momentum vector.
period: int
The factor by which to divide A_UC in the flux density.
Hamiltonian: ndarray
The Hofstadter Hamiltonian matrix of dimension :math:`3q \times 3q`.
def AB_block_func(t_val, p_val, q_val, k_val):
ham = np.zeros((q_val, q_val), dtype=np.complex128)
nphi = p_val / q_val
def A(t_val, nphi_val, m_val, k_val):
value = (-t_val*np.exp(-1j*np.pi*period*nphi_val*m_val + 1j*k_val[0]/2)
-t_val*np.exp(+1j*np.pi*period*nphi_val*m_val - 1j*k_val[0]/2))
return value
upper_diag_array = np.array([A(t_val, nphi, m, k_val) for m in range(q_val)])
ham += np.roll(np.diag(upper_diag_array), 0, axis=1)
return ham
def AC_block_func(t_val, p_val, q_val, k_val):
ham = np.zeros((q_val, q_val), dtype=np.complex128)
nphi = p_val / q_val
def A(t_val, nphi_val, m_val, k_val):
value = -t_val*np.exp(-1j*np.pi*period*nphi_val*0.5*(m_val + 1/4) + 1j*(k_val[0]/4 + np.sqrt(3)*k_val[1]/4))
return value
def B_minus(t_val, nphi_val, m_val, k_val):
value = -t_val*np.exp(+1j*np.pi*period*nphi_val*0.5*(m_val - 1/4) - 1j*(k_val[0]/4 + np.sqrt(3)*k_val[1]/4))
return value
upper_diag_array = np.array([A(t_val, nphi, m, k_val) for m in range(q_val)])
ham += np.roll(np.diag(upper_diag_array), 0, axis=1)
upper_diag_array2 = np.array([B_minus(t_val, nphi, m, k_val) for m in range(q_val)])
ham += np.roll(np.diag(upper_diag_array2), 1, axis=0)
return ham
def BA_block_func(t_val, p_val, q_val, k_val):
ham = np.zeros((q_val, q_val), dtype=np.complex128)
nphi = p_val / q_val
def A(t_val, nphi_val, m_val, k_val):
value = (-t_val*np.exp(-1j*np.pi*period*nphi_val*m_val + 1j*k_val[0]/2)
-t_val*np.exp(+1j*np.pi*period*nphi_val*m_val - 1j*k_val[0]/2))
return value
upper_diag_array = np.array([A(t_val, nphi, m, k_val) for m in range(q_val)])
ham += np.roll(np.diag(upper_diag_array), 0, axis=1)
return ham
def BC_block_func(t_val, p_val, q_val, k_val):
ham = np.zeros((q_val, q_val), dtype=np.complex128)
nphi = p_val / q_val
def A(t_val, nphi_val, m_val, k_val):
value = -t_val*np.exp(+1j*np.pi*period*nphi_val*0.5*(m_val + 1/4) + 1j*(-k_val[0]/4+np.sqrt(3)*k_val[1]/4))
return value
def B_minus(t_val, nphi_val, m_val, k_val):
value = -t_val*np.exp(-1j*np.pi*period*nphi_val*0.5*(m_val - 1/4) + 1j*(+k_val[0]/4-np.sqrt(3)*k_val[1]/4))
return value
upper_diag_array = np.array([A(t_val, nphi, m, k_val) for m in range(q_val)])
ham += np.roll(np.diag(upper_diag_array), 0, axis=1)
upper_diag_array2 = np.array([B_minus(t_val, nphi, m, k_val) for m in range(q_val)])
ham += np.roll(np.diag(upper_diag_array2), 1, axis=0)
return ham
def CA_block_func(t_val, p_val, q_val, k_val):
ham = np.zeros((q_val, q_val), dtype=np.complex128)
nphi = p_val / q_val
def A(t_val, nphi_val, m_val, k_val):
value = -t_val*np.exp(+1j*np.pi*period*nphi_val*0.5*(m_val + 1/4) - 1j*(k_val[0]/4+np.sqrt(3)*k_val[1]/4))
return value
def B_plus(t_val, nphi_val, m_val, k_val):
value = -t_val*np.exp(-1j*np.pi*period*nphi_val*0.5*(m_val + 3/4) + 1j*(k_val[0]/4+np.sqrt(3)*k_val[1]/4))
return value
upper_diag_array = np.array([A(t_val, nphi, m, k_val) for m in range(q_val)])
ham += np.roll(np.diag(upper_diag_array), 0, axis=1)
upper_diag_array2 = np.array([B_plus(t_val, nphi, m, k_val) for m in range(q_val)])
ham += np.roll(np.diag(upper_diag_array2), 1, axis=1)
return ham
def CB_block_func(t_val, p_val, q_val, k_val):
ham = np.zeros((q_val, q_val), dtype=np.complex128)
nphi = p_val / q_val
def A(t_val, nphi_val, m_val, k_val):
value = -t_val*np.exp(-1j*np.pi*period*nphi_val*0.5*(m_val + 1/4) + 1j*(k_val[0]/4-np.sqrt(3)*k_val[1]/4))
return value
def B_plus(t_val, nphi_val, m_val, k_val):
value = -t_val*np.exp(+1j*np.pi*period*nphi_val*0.5*(m_val + 3/4) + 1j*(-k_val[0]/4+np.sqrt(3)*k_val[1]/4))
return value
upper_diag_array = np.array([A(t_val, nphi, m, k_val) for m in range(q_val)])
ham += np.roll(np.diag(upper_diag_array), 0, axis=1)
upper_diag_array2 = np.array([B_plus(t_val, nphi, m, k_val) for m in range(q_val)])
ham += np.roll(np.diag(upper_diag_array2), 1, axis=1)
return ham
AA_block = np.zeros((q, q))
AB_block = AB_block_func(t[0], p, q, k)
AC_block = AC_block_func(t[0], p, q, k)
BA_block = BA_block_func(t[0], p, q, k)
BB_block = np.zeros((q, q))
BC_block = BC_block_func(t[0], p, q, k)
CA_block = CA_block_func(t[0], p, q, k)
CB_block = CB_block_func(t[0], p, q, k)
CC_block = np.zeros((q, q))
upper = np.concatenate((AA_block, AB_block, AC_block), axis=1)
middle = np.concatenate((BA_block, BB_block, BC_block), axis=1)
lower = np.concatenate((CA_block, CB_block, CC_block), axis=1)
Hamiltonian = np.concatenate((upper, middle, lower), axis=0)
return Hamiltonian
if __name__ == '__main__':
t = [1, 0, -0.25]
vec_group = nearest_neighbor_finder("square", t)
num_bands = 5
num_samples = 101
b1 = (2. * np.pi) * np.array([1 / num_bands, 0])
b2 = (2. * np.pi) * np.array([0, 1])
bvec = np.vstack((b1, b2))
eigenvalues = np.zeros((num_bands, num_samples, num_samples)) # real
eigenvectors = np.zeros((num_bands, num_bands, num_samples, num_samples), dtype=np.complex128) # complex
for band in range(num_bands):
for idx_x in range(num_samples):
frac_kx = idx_x / (num_samples - 1)
for idx_y in range(num_samples):
frac_ky = idx_y / (num_samples - 1)
k = np.matmul(np.array([frac_kx, frac_ky]), bvec)
# print("k = ", k)
eigvals, eigvecs = np.linalg.eigh(Hamiltonian(t, 1, num_bands, vec_group, k))
idx = np.argsort(eigvals)
eigenvalues[band, idx_x, idx_y] = eigvals[idx[band]]
eigenvectors[:, band, idx_x, idx_y] = eigvecs[:, idx[band]]
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
idx_x = np.linspace(0, num_samples - 1, num_samples - 1, dtype=int)
idx_y = np.linspace(0, num_samples - 1, num_samples - 1, dtype=int)
kx, ky = np.meshgrid(idx_x, idx_y)
for i in range(num_bands):
ax.plot_surface(kx, ky, eigenvalues[i, kx, ky], alpha=0.5)
def normalize(value, tick_number):
if value == 0:
return "$0$"
elif value == num_samples - 1:
return "$1$"
return f"${value / (num_samples - 1):.1g}$"