Source code for functions.utility

"""Functions for input/output and miscellaneous use."""

# --- external imports
import os
import csv
import numpy as np
import sys

[docs]def read_t_from_file(): """Reads the hopping amplitudes from file. Returns ------- t_list: list The list of hopping amplitudes in order of ascending NN. """ directory = "configuration/" if os.path.isdir('configuration') else "" with open(directory+"hopping_input.txt", 'r') as csvfile: data = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter='\t') NN, t = [], [] for i, row in enumerate(data): NN.append(int(row[0])) t.append(float(row[1])) t_list = np.zeros(max(NN)) for i, val in enumerate(NN): t_list[val-1] = t[i] return t_list
[docs]def create_filename(program, args, aux_text=""): """Create the filename string. Parameters ---------- program: str The name of the program. args: dict The arguments passed to the program. aux_text: str The auxiliary text passed to the filename. Returns ------- filename: str The filename string. """ # read input arguments mod = args['model'] a = args['a'] t = read_t_from_file() if args['input'] else args['t'] lat = args['lattice'] alpha = args['alpha'] theta = args['theta'] save = args['save'] log = args['log'] period = args['periodicity'] dpi = args['dpi'] aux_str = aux_text if aux_text == "" else aux_text+"_" a_str = f"a_{a:g}_" if a != 1 else "" t_str = "t_" + '_'.join([f"{i:g}" for i in t]) + "_" brav_str = f"alpha_{alpha:g}_theta_{theta[0]:g}_{theta[1]:g}_" if lat not in ["square", "triangular"] else "" per_str = f"period_{period:g}_" if period != 1 else "" dpi_str = f"dpi_{dpi:g}_" if dpi != 300 else "" if program == "band_structure": samp = args['samp'] wil = args['wilson'] disp = args['display'] nphi = args['nphi'] bgt = args['bgt'] disp_str = f"{disp}_" mod_str = f"{mod}_" if mod != "Hofstadter" else "" nphi_str = f"nphi_{nphi[0]}_{nphi[1]}_" bgt_str = f"bgt_{bgt:g}_" samp_str = f"samp_{samp:g}_" if samp != 101 else "" filename = f"band_structure_{aux_str}{disp_str}{mod_str}{lat}_{nphi_str}{a_str}{t_str}{brav_str}{per_str}{samp_str}{dpi_str}"[:-1] elif program == "butterfly": plt_lat = args["plot_lattice"] q = args['q'] color = args['color'] pal = args['palette'] wan = args['wannier'] art = args['art'] q_str = f"q_{q:g}_" col_str = f"col_{color}_{pal}_" if color else "" art_str = "art_" if art else "" filename = f"butterfly_{aux_str}{lat}_{q_str}{a_str}{t_str}{brav_str}{col_str}{per_str}{art_str}{dpi_str}"[:-1] else: raise ValueError("program is not defined.") return filename
[docs]def save_data(program, model, args, data): """Save data to file. Parameters ---------- program: str The name of the program. model: Hofstadter.hamiltonian The Hamiltonian class attribute. args: dict The arguments passed to the program. data: ndarray The data array. """ directory = f"../../data/{program}/" if os.path.isdir(f"../../data/{program}/") else "" filename = create_filename(program, args) np.savez_compressed(directory+filename, model=model, args=args, data=data) return None
[docs]def load_data(program, filename, plotting=False): """Load data from file. Parameters ---------- program: str The name of the program. filename: str The name of the file to be loaded. plotting: bool The plotting script flag. """ rel_path = "../../.." if plotting else "../.." directory = f"{rel_path}/data/{program}/" if os.path.isdir(f"{rel_path}/data/{program}/") else "" file_data = np.load(directory+filename, allow_pickle=True) model = file_data['model'].item() # .item() unpacks 0-dim array args = file_data['args'].item() data = file_data['data'].item() return model, args, data
[docs]class Logger(object): """Stream stdout and stderr to file."""
[docs] def __init__(self, program, args): self.terminal = sys.stdout or sys.stderr directory = f"../../logs/{program}/" if os.path.isdir(f"../../logs/{program}/") else "" filename = create_filename(program, args) self.log = open(directory+filename+".log", 'w', buffering=1)
def write(self, message): self.terminal.write(message) self.log.write(message) def flush(self): # this flush method is needed for python 3 compatibility. # this handles the flush command by doing nothing. # you might want to specify some extra behavior here. pass